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The Mosaic Studio Logo

The Mosaic Studio provides a hands-on mosaic art programme for schools and runs exceptional mosaic workshops all around the UK.

Est. 1985

Renowned UK Mosaic Artist Paul Siggins and his team who are based in Essex, have inspired thousands of students of all ages in producing beautiful, lasting mosaics.
Whether you’d like to mark an event or achievement, celebrate an anniversary or reflect your heritage and locality, creating a mosaic brings a unique and highly rewarding experience to your students.

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We have a vast portfolio of works

What our clients say

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“ I am delighted that our pupils were given the opportunity to work with such a talented artist in order to embed art as a positive and inspirational legacy for the school.

The mosaics are stunning and reflect the pupil’s experiences of visiting various museums in London. We will use this art project to inform and innovate the creative curriculum."

Carol Skewes, Headteacher
Cornelius Vermuyden, School & Arts College

Get in touch.

If you would like to find out more information about how we can help you to create a beautiful mosaic for your school. 

Please feel free to email us or give us a call.

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